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Bonus Ep. 3 – The Shadow Over Innsmouth

Bonus Ep. 3 – The Shadow Over Innsmouth

"Heawood and Kennedy": an unedited conversation.
Länge: 5:01
"Heawood and Kennedy": an unedited conversation recorded towards the end of "The Whisperer in Darkness".
Folgen-ID: 1000499327929
GUID: urn:bbc:podcast:p08yx2p2
Erscheinungs­datum: 19.11.2020, 06:55:00


An investigation into witchcraft, the occult and secret government operations. From H.P. Lovecraft.

Apple Podcasts: Kundenrezensionen

Awesome Hörspiel 😉

Such a great audiobook. Great adaption of a H.P. Lovecraft novel. Scary too. And I am a grown old man…

Terrifyingly wonderful!!

Really really good. High production values and really scary story.