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Vayhi Part 2: Ephraim and Menashe Part A (48:8-14)

Vayhi Part 2: Ephraim and Menashe Part A (48:8-14)

Vayhi Part 2: Ephraim and Menashe Part A (48:8-14) Sefer Bereshit Sponsored in Memory of Al Gindi Abraham Nissim ben Esther A"H This part in Parashat Vayhi taught by Dr. Avigail Rock TanachStudy.com   
Vayhi Part 2: Ephraim and Menashe Part A (48:8-14) Sefer Bereshit Sponsored in Memory of Al Gindi Abraham Nissim ben Esther A"H This part in Parashat Vayhi taught by Dr. Avigail Rock TanachStudy.com
Folgen-ID: 1000461663362
GUID: tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-3232403400958701880.post-851558295834780938
Erscheinungs­datum: 25.12.2023, 07:00:00


Our mission is to create a platform for all serious students to easily study the entire Tanach (Torah, Nevi’im and Ketuvim) in a comprehensible fashion. We seek to generate an experience that allows our members to become intimately familiar with the text, framework, and storyline of the Tanach. Our emergent objectives are to increase knowledge of our ancestral Jewish history, to strengthen our sense of awe and love of God, and reinforce our personal and national Jewish identity.

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