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Episode #183 The Road To Authenticity With Pastor Mike

Episode #183 The Road To Authenticity With Pastor Mike

Dr. Thema interviews Pastor Mike Walrond Jr., sen…
Länge: 30:58
Dr. Thema interviews Pastor Mike Walrond Jr., senior Pastor, author, and mental health advocate about the path to authenticity. They discuss the definition, costs, benefits, and path to living a more authentic life. Intro by Iyeoka. Outro by Joy Jones.
Folgen-ID: 1000614326868
GUID: tag:soundcloud,2010:tracks/1521551683
Erscheinungs­datum: 24.5.2023, 17:59:17


Dr. Thema Bryant is a licensed psychologist, ordained minister, and sacred artist. Using artistic expression, spirituality, psychology and culture, Dr. Bryant-Davis is an internationally recognized lecturer, performer, and minister.
The Homecoming Podcast with Dr. Thema is a podcast to facilitate your journey home to yourself by providing weekly inspiration and health tips. Welcome home!
Intro and Outro by: Joy Jones

Apple Podcasts: Kundenrezensionen

Pure Love

I just love the podcast! Thank you for your work ♥️