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Becoming a Better Leader with Ron Macklin

Becoming a Better Leader with Ron Macklin

On this episode, Ron Macklin, innovator, entrepreneur, and leader that turned a terribly work environment into one of Houston's best(he won the "Best Place to Work" award), joins Ben to discuss how all youth can create productive and efficient teams....
Länge: 32:11
On this episode, Ron Macklin, innovator, entrepreneur, and leader that turned a terribly work environment into one of Houston's best(he won the "Best Place to Work" award), joins Ben to discuss how all youth can create productive and efficient teams. He even dissects a case study live to show you how it's done!
Folgen-ID: 1000560849123
GUID: 26e60d12-6359-4c70-99e9-39a2ea081096
Erscheinungs­datum: 12.5.2022, 22:58:21


Benjamin Wong, entrepreneur and visionary, interviews some of the world's greatest entrepreneurs from a 14-year old's perspective to empower and inspire today's generation of youth to be equipped for tomorrow's future.

Apple Podcasts: Kundenrezensionen

A story missing

Just why on earth did you stop Peter Walsh in the beginning when he opened about his own clutter he discovered in his US-home coming back from Australia?!! 😭 Something he never mentioned to anyone before. It would have been so interesting and special. I am so interested in how he handled this. Well, it’s always interesting to listen to him. Please, forget your script if someone ever offers such a private and new story again.