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Introducing: Dear Daughter

Introducing: Dear Daughter

Funny, heart-breaking and ultimately honest – help Namulanta create a handbook to life
Länge: 3:16
Funny, heart-breaking, insightful and ultimately honest – help Namulanta create a handbook to life. She won the BBC’s International Podcast Competition 2021 and wants to hear your letters.
Get in touch at www.bbcworldservice.com/deardaughter
Begins on 10 December 2021
Folgen-ID: 1000543071820
GUID: urn:bbc:podcast:p0b6d0y5
Erscheinungs­datum: 25.11.2021, 17:34:00


Your letters to your daughters. What do you want them to know? What do they need to know? With Namulanta Kombo, winner of the BBC’s International Podcast Competition 2021.

Apple Podcasts: Kundenrezensionen

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