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Women at Work by Malika Favre

Women at Work by Malika Favre

Länge: 23:52
Malika Favre is a French artist based in Barcelona.
Her bold, minimal style – often described as Pop Art meets OpArt – is a striking lesson in the use of positive/negative space and colour.
Her unmistakable style has established her as one of Europe’s most sought after graphic artists. Malika’s clients include The New Yorker, Vogue, BAFTA, Sephora and Penguin Books, amongst many others.
Folgen-ID: 1000548929645
GUID: https://www.ivoox.com/81234345
Erscheinungs­datum: 24.1.2022, 10:54:21


Women at Work
Hablamos muchas veces sobre cómo hay que tomar cartas en el asunto cuando algo nos incumbe. Como decía Angela Davis, “no voy a seguir aceptando las cosas que no puedo cambiar… voy a cambiar las cosas que no puedo aceptar”. Este podcast de Hey, Women at Work, Mujeres en el Trabajo, en el trabajo creativo, en el liderazgo, es una iniciativa para hacer justo eso: recoger el testigo del cambio y, de paso, inspirar a otras profesionales, animar a las que llegan y abrir los oídos de los que quieren escuchar.
Presentado por Ane Guerra
Many times we’ve discussed how important it is to take action when something concerns us. Angela Davis said "I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept". This Women at Work podcast series by Hey, women in creative jobs and in leadership, is an initiative to follow that motto: we want to take over the torch of change, inspire other professionals, empower those who are arriving and open the ears of whoever wants to listen.
Host Ane Guerra

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