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Q&A: On Dating & Anxious Attachment

Q&A: On Dating & Anxious Attachment

Länge: 19:05
In this Q&A style episode, we're diving into questions from the audience around dating - and particularly, dating as an anxiously attached person. Some of the topics covered include how to regulate anxiety around dating, how to manage expectations and let go of the idea of "the one", how to know when to stop giving someone another chance, and what to do when they say they don't want a relationship.
Folgen-ID: 1000558341394
GUID: Buzzsprout-10483054
Erscheinungs­datum: 22.4.2022, 06:00:00


Are you ready to move beyond relationship anxiety and develop the tools & insight to create a secure, healthy relationship? In this show, join Relationship Coach & Attachment Expert Stephanie Rigg as she delves deep into all things attachment, love, relationships & intimacy - sharing her wisdom and experience to help you start making real changes in your life & relationships.

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