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David Rynearson, Consultant at NASA: Living in Space, Moon Mapping and the Existance of Aliens

David Rynearson, Consultant at NASA: Living in Space, Moon Mapping and the Existance of Aliens

Michael Mack & David Rynearson
Länge: 24:31
David Rynearson is truly shooting for the moon: As Senior Software Programmer and Consultant at NASA he is working on the long-awaited manned Artemis lunar mission. In his exclusive talk with Michael Mack he tells us everything he knows about aliens and if we'll soon all be living in space.
A MACK One Original Podcast.
Folgen-ID: 1000614580793
GUID: 8370425083c7ab6d4eddb0880788930e
Erscheinungs­datum: 26.5.2023, 11:30:00


Michael Mack, managing director of the “world’s best theme park”, invites you on an amazing journey into the future. What technological inventions can we expect? Will we soon be living in space? Find out now and join Michael Mack and his exciting guests on this exclusive English-language time travel adventure! This podcast is a MACK One production and is recorded at Studio78 in Europa-Park.

Apple Podcasts: Kundenrezensionen

Nice approach! Interesting topic!

Nice approach! Interesting topic!

Spannender Blick in die Zukunft

Episode 1 hat schon viel Spass gemacht, sehr kurzweiliges Gespräch über die Pläne der NASA, den Mond und das Leben im Weltall. 🚀🪐🔭👩🏻‍🚀